Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Margaret Letter To Mary July 7, 1984

July 7th 1984

Dear Mary,

We wish you a "Happy Birthday"  I remember - Papa took us (me Mac and Louise) down to Aunt May's - at that time she was living in a house across the road, while her "big" home, (on the other side, where it is now) was not completed. Aunt May was always so good to us, and especially if Mama needed her to help with the children. I don't remember Aunt May ever being real provoked at any of us. If she ever said No! don't do that!!!! we knew she wasn't "fooling." If we didn't say, "thank you," and "please at the table, we were corrected and then we got what we asked for. If we didn't, (like Mac she wouldn't say either -she had to leave the table without getting what she asked for.

You was a "beautiful baby" I thought. "Ole Aunt Delia" was with Mama-  She alway called Mama, "Babe" She had looked after Mama when a child. She and her husband lived on the Chesterfield Road in their own house and they would cut thru our field to get to the road in front of our home. and I remember, we little girls always knew when Douglas was coming, he always smoked a pipe and we could "smell it." I was allowed to "hold you" if Id sit right in the low rocking chair, that Mama always sat in when she would rock the "little ones" to sleep at night. We had a nice comfortable Home to live in. It was very impressive two-story home. Beautiful setting under the Big oak Trees and the lovely Magnolia. We each had a porch to have our "play house home" in - with our dolls we'd (J.K. Me, Mac & Louise) go visiting each other - our greetings were: How are you "Miss Kate" today - She'd say the same each of us was "Miss Kate", I don't remember how we all decided on the one name. (JK was never called Kate, only when we were "playing house."

I soon tired of dolls and I wanted to hold you as I was almost eight in August 12th after you were born.

Mama sewed for all of us, except Janie Kate - Aunt May and Grandma looked after her.

Janie Kate 1898 was born at the old Thomas home at the Cross Road. The later Papa had a job with A.M. McNair at Clyde S.C. it was then a post office. Later, before I was born Aug 12th 1900 we lived at Clyde S.C. after I was born. Papa was Mr McNair's bookkeeper

Mama and Papa and J.K. + me lived in house across the road from the McNair Home which was a big house up on a high ? Hill. They had a daughter, that J.K. loved to play with and her name was "Bessie" -My! I was a "little" baby and named: Margaret Elizabeth, which was too much name for a two year old (J.K.) So she cried and begged to let her call me by her friends name; So thats how I got that name Bessie, which I didn't like as I grew older - The other sisters had names of relatives and Bessie wasn't a relative name - So I always loved my real name - but was never called either name "Margaret or Elizabeth", until John and I went to a "Retirement Home" at Myrtle Beach S.C. then I announced my name Margaret. Have been called this for over three years. It seemed more "elegant" to me. All of my Legal papers - Insurance all business transactions was Margaret Elizabeth our Marriage License of course too.

I was so happy when Patricia's baby girl was born and she had you, Mary, the proud grandmother, to call me and tell me that the new baby girl was given one of my names - "Elizabeth" - Made me feel so proud that some one in the "Family" (Bethune) would carry on the same name of our great grandmother, her name was Elizabeth Reeves. Mama told me I was named after my two great grandmothers.

Mary have you told this to Elizabeth or Lisa. I'd love to know my name sake, maybe some times this Summer!!!

Mary, you were named for Papa sister Aunt "Mary Yarborough" and Aunt Mary Thomas which was "Aunt May". Mama's sister Sally Louise was named for Aunt Sally, Papa's sister, McCaskill. Janie {Catherine + Papa's mother Kate was named for both grandmothers, and Aunt Kate McNaull Papa's sister. Mac was named for Papa and Mama. Emma Malcolm.

Last, but not leas - when I M.E. was eleven years old, another baby girl - her name is Thornwell Faye - name for Mama's brother Thornwell Thomas. He was older than Mama and he died when his two sons (were small) Thornwell Norwood Thomas (Aunt Sallie's maiden name - and Hamilton Thomas named for one grandfather Thomas. Faye was the last of the girls - she ___ the older sisters thought she was "spoiled". But any way she was loved very much by all of us. She knew then, that Mama "____" for her to come now.

Well! Mary I know you are wondering why I've written this to you. Maybe you'd like to have it copied and give copies to your children. Hows that for a Happy Birthday present?? Hope you have many more. You have a wonderful family and you taught them the Gospel and they are a joy and a great pleasure to you. (You had a big decision to make early in your Life about you and your family). A beautiful daughter and two good looking sons. They are all true to the gospel that you taught to them.

Their families are to be proud of. I know you can truely love them and be very proud of the good decisions you made many years ago. and now I'm thinking of the "big" Bethune Reunion we had together - and how your family of good looking boys and girls. I've enjoyed remembering that Reunion - our family John & mine, was a very small one.

I'm so glad you and all your family could come back to the "place" where our Bethune began. Oh!: if Mama and Papa could have seen all of us. I know they would have been proud of their "Six Daughters" - and their families.

Then our last Reunion of the Six Sisters - and some of their family, is well to be remember. It was such a "short time" to be together our last time, Before we had to part with one one of the Sisters, and the Circle was broken. She was too young to die, I heard her lonely daughter, Carolyn make that remark the day of her mothers funeral. It was such a sad time for all of us. Then we were all together again. She left behind those attractive grandchildren and their Mother who has made such a good mother for them. They all loved their Granny so much and she loved them.

I hate to stop writing on "this sad note" but I've never written anything about Louise unless I cried! Never had an idea that she'd go before I did. Guess she was more prepared to go, than I.

Hope I'll get to see you this Summer. ___ disappoint me & all of us.

Love to you and all your family.

Bessie or Margaret.

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