Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Emma Bethune 1938 Letter to Mary Hucks

Tuesday night -

My Dear Mary,

     Better late than never. I sure did enjoy your letter. I was beginning to think you had such a bum time at home you didn't want to write. I know though you had quite a lot to do. I sure have missed you all. I was thinking today how nice it would be here in the yard for the children. It was just like a spring day. Daddy was working in the garden getting his garden peas in. That last cold one had killed the tender greens down to the ground, but I went this morning and plundered over the patch got enough for dinner that has come out since the cold. I wrote Faye last week that I had been sick so Saturday morning I went to town to see Dr. Beasly. He changed my medicine and I feel lots better. When I left that morning Dan told me not to come back, that he was coming down that afternoon, so he did and we stayed with Louise until Sunday afternoon and they brought us home. The first time he and I have both left home in a long time. had quite a nice time. Louise was wondering if you got the package she sent to Howdy. ____ McCutcheon gave her a shower not long ago and she sure did get some nice things. _____ called her to come over there and she didn't know anything about it until they all come in. Janie Kate and I didn't get there but Janie K. gave her a darling dress and under skirt the next time she went down. oh yea Fagan gave her a beautiful rocking chair without any handles. Well I changed my woman again yesterday and was I ____ last night. I had a woman to come and help but we cleaned my room dining room kitchen and back porch, lay down on the couch after supper to read and went to sleep about 8 oclock and slept until eleven then Dan said he reckon we had better go to bed. of course he was reading all that time. I went with Janie Kate and Sister to a missionary meeting at cousin ______(Baxters?) this afternoon. Cousin Johnny is quite feeable and his mind is nearly gone. they are living right by themselves. Is it _______ to get old and have to live by yourself. Tell "Trish" Papa has sold the little calf. R.C. is feeding the cow for half of the milk as his cow is dry. Got a card from Faye today saying she wanted to go to your house sunday night but ____ had a date. if you don't mind call her up and let her know I am feeling lots better. Tell Trish and Howdy to hurry and come back to see me for I sure am lonesome. write as often as you can. Love and kisses for the children. mama.

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