Saturday, December 14, 2013

Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thomas Bethune

Celebrate Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thomas Bethune, former residents of this city celebrated their golden wedding anniversary with a large and lovely reception on Saturday at their country home in Mecklenburg county. Yellow roses, daffodils, and yellow tapers were used as room decorations. Receiving with the celebrants in the living room were their children Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bethune, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bethune of Richmond, Va., Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bethune of Columbia, S. C., Mr. and Mrs E. E. Bethune, and Miss Frances Bethune.

Mrs. Bethune was gowned in aqua crepe and wore a shoulder bouquet of yellow rosebuds. Miss Betsy Bethune of Richmond, Va., granddaughter of the couple, kept the guest register in the gift room, where numerous gifts in gold were displayed. In the dining room the table was spread with hand-made lace and centered with a three-tier wedding cake ornamented with yellow roses. A salad plate was served by Misses Susan and Sarah Frances Bethune and Miss Gerry Genrich, the latter of Columbia, S C. Coffee was poured by Mrs Edna J. Almand of this city, and Mrs. Jack Drye served punch. Receiving hours were from 2 in the afternoon to 7 in the evening, and more than 100 guests called to extend congratulations and felicitations. The only absent member of the family, Mrs. Orin R. Parris of Salt Lake City, Utah, called her parents by long distance while the reception was in progress. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Kate McNaull, Mr. Eugene Brown, Gene and Lorena Brown of Columbia, S.C., Mrs. D. M. Bethune, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Cobb, Mrs. R. C. Grant, Richard Grant, Mrs. J. V. Fagan, Mrs. Leonard King, and Mrs. John McDonald of Hartsville, S. C., Mrs. John Cagle and Hugh Cagle of Hamlet, Mr. and Mrs Hugh Witherspoon of Maysville, S. C, Mrs. E. Z. Truesdale, Miss Stella Bethune, and Mrs. M. G. King at Bethune, S. C., the Rev. and Mrs. Neil S. Truesdale, Rebecca and Althea Truesdale of Newberry, S. C.,

 Mrs. Hattie J. Ross, Mrs. A. C. Jones, Mrs. Maude Green, and Miss Margaret Bostie of Forest City Mrs ttussell Riley of Blacksburg. S. C., Mrs. A. Feuer and Ronald Feuer of Dallas, Mrs. Maggie Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Klllough, and Mrs E. B. Austin of Matthews; Mr and Mrs. John R. Bamett of Huntersville; Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Forrester. Worth Jordan, Miss Nancy Jordan, Charlie Ledford, Mlu Nell Lee. Mrs. Paul Xhyne, Miss Elolse Hesbitt, Mrs tfova Tatham, Mrs. H. M. Webb. Kr.' and Mrs. Thomas C. Church E Halnes Gregg, Otis L. Peach, and Ur. and Mrs. Bcb Green of Gas- tonla; Mr. and Mra. Charles Baker of PfnevUle, and Mr. and Mrs Ray Preslar and Mr.^nd Mra. Hardy Davis of BelmocC Source: The Gastonia Gazette, Woman's Page 19 April 1950 Note: The above was taken from an OCR rendering as a paid subscription is required to see the actual document. As such, there are many misspellings, especially in the last paragraph. -KV

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