Thursday, October 11, 2018

Letter from Mary Hucks to her parents

Friday night
Dear Mama & Daddy:
Guess you will be surprised to hear from me again this week, but as I have something important to tell you am writing you again. I have been called to do missionary work here in Atlanta. I feel that I am indeed blessed to be able to do work for the Lord in this way. Pres. Callis asked Howard to go to see him Wed. night & he had a good long talk with him. asked him about me doing this work & of course Howard gave him consent gladly. I am to work with one of the other Lady missionaries. We will "go tracting" & visiting about three days a week. I, of course, will come home in time to fix Howard's supper for him at the same time. Pres. Callis blessed us this morning & sent us on our way. I am working with Ethel Smith, from Columbia, who is on a six months' mission. She just go here Sunday night. We gave out 10 small tracts each today as well as visited five families. I am tired tonight but feel very happy & thankful that we had such a good days work. We had several refuse our books but no one slammed the door in our faces. How I hope the Lord will bless me so that I might do my work at all times in the best way. I am sure it will do more good & bring me more happiness than any other thing in the world. We had a very nice conversation with one lady. It means, of course, that I must study plenty & I hope I will be able to study well & remember. Howard is very much pleased & I know it will be a means of giving me a stronger testimony of the gospel. Howard has gone back to work & although it is only a little after 6:00 I am awful sleepy. We were up late last night, guess that's the reason. Tell Mac I got her letter & will answer it soon. Hope both of you are well. Is Faye coming? Write me soon. Lots of love, Mary.

[Letter is undated and without the envelope. Charles A. Callis was president of the Southern States mission from 1908 until 1933 when he was called to the Quorum of the Twelve. There is no mention of her oldest child Patricia, born November 29, 1932, nor any discomfort related to pregnancy. Patricia tried to recall all the places where her parents had lived in her youth and doesn't have them living in Atlanta until 1936 or so. The 1930 census shows them living in Waco, Texas. It's likely the letter was written between 1930-1932.]
[I have been trying to track down when Sister Ethel Smith might have arrived in Atlanta. She is mentioned in the Liahona the Elders Journal Vol. 28, No. 3—904, page 65. However, she is mentioned as "Miss" which makes me think she wasn't yet a missionary. There is an Ethel Smith showing as born in 1910 from Columbia, SC who could be this same woman. Found this in Vol. 28, No. 21—922 INDEPENDENCE, MO., MARCH 31, 1931 page 501:
ARRIVALS AND ASSIGNMENTS:—Howard C. Larsen, Park Valley, Utah, to South Georgia, and Ethel Smith, Columbia, S. C , to Georgia.

Therefore, I am fairly confident that Mary Hucks was called to be a part-time local missionary in March 1931.]

[I don't know how long Mary accompanied Sister Ethel Smith, as by the May 12 Liahona edition there is an entry speaking about Sister Smith and her companion, one of the full time Lady missionaries, Cora Lay, working to organize Primaries in the Atlanta area. So perhaps Mary was a fill-in until Sister Lay could join Sister Smith. Of course, President Callis was very familiar with Mary's father, Daniel Malcolm Bethune, and would have been comfortable calling Mary to work as a missionary.]

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