Thursday, October 11, 2018

Letter from Mary Hucks to her parents

Friday night
Dear Mama & Daddy:
Guess you will be surprised to hear from me again this week, but as I have something important to tell you am writing you again. I have been called to do missionary work here in Atlanta. I feel that I am indeed blessed to be able to do work for the Lord in this way. Pres. Callis asked Howard to go to see him Wed. night & he had a good long talk with him. asked him about me doing this work & of course Howard gave him consent gladly. I am to work with one of the other Lady missionaries. We will "go tracting" & visiting about three days a week. I, of course, will come home in time to fix Howard's supper for him at the same time. Pres. Callis blessed us this morning & sent us on our way. I am working with Ethel Smith, from Columbia, who is on a six months' mission. She just go here Sunday night. We gave out 10 small tracts each today as well as visited five families. I am tired tonight but feel very happy & thankful that we had such a good days work. We had several refuse our books but no one slammed the door in our faces. How I hope the Lord will bless me so that I might do my work at all times in the best way. I am sure it will do more good & bring me more happiness than any other thing in the world. We had a very nice conversation with one lady. It means, of course, that I must study plenty & I hope I will be able to study well & remember. Howard is very much pleased & I know it will be a means of giving me a stronger testimony of the gospel. Howard has gone back to work & although it is only a little after 6:00 I am awful sleepy. We were up late last night, guess that's the reason. Tell Mac I got her letter & will answer it soon. Hope both of you are well. Is Faye coming? Write me soon. Lots of love, Mary.

[Letter is undated and without the envelope. Charles A. Callis was president of the Southern States mission from 1908 until 1933 when he was called to the Quorum of the Twelve. There is no mention of her oldest child Patricia, born November 29, 1932, nor any discomfort related to pregnancy. Patricia tried to recall all the places where her parents had lived in her youth and doesn't have them living in Atlanta until 1936 or so. The 1930 census shows them living in Waco, Texas. It's likely the letter was written between 1930-1932.]
[I have been trying to track down when Sister Ethel Smith might have arrived in Atlanta. She is mentioned in the Liahona the Elders Journal Vol. 28, No. 3—904, page 65. However, she is mentioned as "Miss" which makes me think she wasn't yet a missionary. There is an Ethel Smith showing as born in 1910 from Columbia, SC who could be this same woman. Found this in Vol. 28, No. 21—922 INDEPENDENCE, MO., MARCH 31, 1931 page 501:
ARRIVALS AND ASSIGNMENTS:—Howard C. Larsen, Park Valley, Utah, to South Georgia, and Ethel Smith, Columbia, S. C , to Georgia.

Therefore, I am fairly confident that Mary Hucks was called to be a part-time local missionary in March 1931.]

[I don't know how long Mary accompanied Sister Ethel Smith, as by the May 12 Liahona edition there is an entry speaking about Sister Smith and her companion, one of the full time Lady missionaries, Cora Lay, working to organize Primaries in the Atlanta area. So perhaps Mary was a fill-in until Sister Lay could join Sister Smith. Of course, President Callis was very familiar with Mary's father, Daniel Malcolm Bethune, and would have been comfortable calling Mary to work as a missionary.]

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Letter from Patricia Hucks to Mrs. D.M. Bethune

Monday [September 20, 1943]

Dear Grandmother,

I have been sick every sence Friday  Danny is ok. but gets meainer by the day. on his birthday he got to suits and a lot of toys. He had fun bursting baloons and playing with the other chirldren.

Howdy has has to walk to school every morning. He dosn't like that alot.

I get to ride to school, but not from school home. I like my 2 teacher this year.

How is every body down their? Come up to see use as soon as yo can. Tell Louise & Carolyn to come up one week end. We are all find.

love, Patricia


617 Westmont Dr
Fayettivelle N.C.

I care of Mrs. D.M. Bethune
Mc Bee S.C.

postmarked Fayetteville N. C. Sep 21 6:30 PM 1943
3 cents postage stamp

Friday, April 13, 2018

McCaskill research - Kenneth & Nancy McLeod descendants

I came across some entries in FamilySearch that were clearly incorrect as the father died before his supposed 3 children were born. It wasn't an easy solution so I decided to take a hard look at the McCaskill family info I have and compare it to what is in FamilySearch and clean things up a bit if I can.

I've started with Allen McCaskill and his wife Nancy and will move through their descendants.

Kenneth & Nancy McLeod have 7 children listed:
1) Alexander L McCaskill is shown in several places as having been born in 1825. His find-a-grave ( listing shows 4 January 1829. This latter date is supported by his age on subsequent censuses. Alexander married Catharine (alt. Catherine) Campbell Gillis ( and they had 3 daughters, Catharine having died the near the youngest daughter's birth. The oldest, Mary McCaskill, was born in late 1859 as she was shown in the 1860 census as being 7/12 months old on June 6, 1860. She also shows as 10 in the 1870 census. Searching through cemetery records to see if I could find Mary's in the Euchee Valley Cemetery where her parents are buried, I ran across a listing ( of an unnamed infant daughter of "A.L and C.C. McCaskill born and died on the 16th of October 1858". While not 100% certain, I am confident enough to include this child in FamilySearch, although there is the question as to whether or not she was stillborn as there was no name given to her.

Mary McCaskill - There are several family trees on that list Mary as having married James "Jimmie" Vaugh Bowers (BIRTH 27 OCT 1859 • Freeport, Walton County, Florida
DEATH 9 OCTOBER 1881 • Euchee-Anna, Walton, Florida, USA), with one listing ( a marriage date of 24 February 1881.This same listing shows her name as Mary E. "Mollie" McCaskill and death info as  7 SEPTEMBER 1897 • Noxubee County, Mississippi. However, no source info is provided. She is also listed as marrying Woodson Boyle ( BIRTH DEC 1846 • Noxubee County, Mississippi, USA
DEATH Noxubee County, Mississippi) on 25 Aug 1885 at Eucheanna Valley Presbyterian Church. This marriage date is shown in Florida Marriage records. (Mary Bowers and Woodson Boyle). Woodson was apparently married previously (Mary Connor, born 1849, married 30 November 1869 all in MS) had a son named Connor. I am trying to locate where Woodson might be buried so I can see if Mary is buried there too and what her gravestone says. No luck so far finding Woodson, Connor or either Mary that was Woodson's wife. I have some concerns about the death info shown above as it turns out there is another Mary E. Mollie McCaskill who was born in George. It begs the question why none of the other McCaskill info I have gives the Mary in question a middle name or a nickname. OK, so I found her. I was looking at Anna's family and saw that a niece was listed, a Hortense Boyle. Recognizing the last name I looked it up and found a listing in ( that showed her father Woodson and mother Mary.

Beatrice Boyle - Married David Burford Murphree and had 4 children: Margaret (never married), Mary Lucile (Ralph C Willits), David Burford Jr.(Hazel?) and Hugh Linyer Murphree (living). Entered info into FamilySearch.

Hortense Boyle - Married Bryant Merritt Bell, did not appear to have any children. Entered info into FamilySearch.

Mary Victoria Boyle - Never married

Jeanne Boyle - Married Robert Edward Sanford, did not appear to have any children. Entered info into FamilySearch.

Catharine Victoria McCaskill -  Catharine marries Lauchlin Daniel McDonald and they have 3 children - 1) Catharine McDonald, who marries William Kemper Jennings and they have two sons shown in findagrave ( There might be additional children to add based on the gravestones in the associated photos. As they were born after 1908 I have not included them now nor put them in FamilySearch with their parents. 2) Melville Cromwell McDonald, no marriage shown, dies at age 21. Birth and death dates as listed in FamilySearch were different than what was shown on gravestone ( and I changed them to match. 3) Willie D. McDonald, another son who died without marrying, also at age 21.

Anna Didelake McCaskill - Marries  Jesse Roscoe McLane and had 7 children.
1) Anne Chapin McLane, appears to have never married. FamilySearch lists her as Anna C. and her gravestone as Annie Chapin. I'm guessing that she was Anna, named after her mother, but they called her Anne or Annie.
2) Gertrude McLane, also appears to have never married.
3) Ruth McLane, also never married.
4) Dr. Jesse Newman McLane - It's unclear how many times Jesse was married. FamilySearch lists Mary Helen Gray (can't find a marriage date and they must have dirvorced before his next marriage) and Marguerite B. (Brittain) as wives, but there is also a New York City marriage listing for a Laura Berham. I haven't been able to pin down the marriage date for Mary Helen Gray or when divorced.  So far I have only been able to find one child, Jesse Newman McLane aka Scooter. Scooter died in 2013 and was married to Loretta per the obituary. Ancestry had their marriage license which showed that Scooter had been married at least one time previously, his spouse having died. Loretta had also been married, but divorced.
5) Arthur Gillis McLane - Married Augusta P Landbeck
6) Catharine McLane - Married Carleton McGauly, had a daugther Catharine who married George E. Jessen and they had two daugthers. I did not include this last group in FamilySearch due to their birth years
7) Ralph Melville McLane - Married Mary Ruth Pearce

There is Frances M Rushing McLane buried in the same cemetery ( that likely married one of the McLane sons or grandsons listed above. However, I haven't been able to find the connection.
2) Allen Lewis McCaskill - Married Margaret Caroline McFarland. His gravestone says he left 9 children, but Family Search only has 7 listed. Did not find any additional information about their marriage date.

1) Nancy McCaskill - her gravestone shows "Nannie" as her nickname. Married Merrit James Ausley and had 1 child listed, Luman McCaskill Ausley, who married Allie Mae Neely and apparently did not have any children.

2) Mary Ann McCaskill - Married John Curry Ausley. (Don't Have Marriage Info)
-Thomas Allen Ausley - Married Viviane Inez Subers, no children
-Charles Merritt Ausley - Married Elizabeth Mulford Saxon, 4 children, Charles Saxon Ausley,Margaret McCaskill Ausley, John Curry Ausley,  Helen Saxon Ausley. (Various children to be researched)
-Gertrude Ausley - Married Albert Clyde Kelley, had 4 children, Ausley Calvin Kelley, Albert Sumter Kelley, Frances Kelley, Sarah Kelley. Could not find death info on Sarah. Conflicting info on Frances' spouse(s). This group could use a revisit at some point.
-Calvin Kershaw Chisholm Ausley - Married Ella Rebecca Flowers and had two sons, Robert Chisholm Ausley (Ola Little Kelly. no children) and Bert Thomas Ausley (unmarried) .

3) John Calvin McCaskill - Married Emma Powell, 9 children
-Alvin Lewis McCaskill - Married Annie Louise Hay, John Calvin McCaskill (Olga Heins, Johngy Richards), Annie Righton McCaskill (Robert Garnett Hodgkin)
-Bertha Powell McCaskill - died as an infant
-Allen Robert McCaskill - (Unmarried)
-Harry Lee McCaskill - Married Juliet Cornelia O'Neil, Mary Emma McCaskill (Sherwin Bernard Hays), Harry Lee McCaskill (unmarried), John Calvin McCaskill (Edna May Kennedy)
-John Calvin McCaskill - (unmarried)
-Kenneth Baldwin McCaskill - died as an infant
-Charles Moore McCaskill - Married Alice Gray Carr (at least 2 children, both living)
-Ralph Emerson McCaskill- Married Mary Chandler, Ralph Emerson McCaskill (family), William Chandler McCaskill (family), infant son who died
-Alice McCaskill - Married William Hinson Royall, has family

4) Kenneth Alexander McCaskill - Married Ruby Dell Hollomon, one son Kenneth Alexander McCaskill (Elizabeth Barker, family), one unnamed infant daughter.

5) Margaret M McCaskill - Married John Scott Dunn, no apparent children

6) Allen Peter McCaskill - Married Vernita E Nicholson, had an infant child who died. Needs more research.

7) Catherine Christian McCaskill - Married John Wesley Stuckey, 2 sons, Allen Nelson Stuckey (Monika Hildagarde Schoenfeld and family) John Wesley Stuckey (Gussie Juanita Beachem and family)

8) Scotland Newell McCaskill - never married

9) Sarah Baldwin McCaskill - never married
3) Mary McCaskill - Married Charles Baldwin McFarland, had 8 children. Census ages: June 1860 - 29, August 1870 - 39, June 1880 - 47, February 1920 - 88

1) Nancy M McFarland - Married John E. Perkins.(Could not find John's grave nor connect him with his parents.) Census ages: June 1860 - 6, August 1870 - 15, June 1880 -25. Three children:
-Charles B. Perkins - His death certificate shows he was married. His WWII draft registration lists contact person as "Mrs. Mary Perkins," living in the same town, Center, Texas.
-Luther Martin Perkins.- HIs death certificate also shows he was married and the informant was "Mary Perkins."
-Alexander Perkins. Married "Ola" (1940 census) and must have had at least one child as their grandson "Billie Ralph Scurlock" is listed in the census at age 6. (
There are other Perkins in the cemetery where Charles and Luther are buried who could be one or the other's children based on their birth years. (Neuville cemetery.)  Follow Up

2) Margaret C McFarland - died at age 13 Did not find grave or exact dates. Should have been on the 1870 census with her family in Walton Florida but wasn't. Census ages: June 1860 - 2

3) John D McFarland - born 1861, no other info found. Census ages: August 1870 - 8, June 1880 - 19. Above Ancestry family tree lists him as dying in 1896, no source.

4) Katherine Annah McFarland - never married. Name is shown as Catherine "Kate" McFarland.  Census ages: August 1870 - 6 (Kate A),  June 1880 - 16 (Kate A), Feb 1920 - 53

5) Allen McCaskill McFarland - Census ages: August 1870 - 4 (Allen A C), June 1880 - 12 (Allen A.M.), death cert shows as "single".

6) Mary Christian McFarland - Census ages: August 1870 - 1 (Christian M), June 1880 - 9 (Mary C), 1900 census with husband lists her birth at May 1872 and 28 years old as of June 8. April 1910 census listed as 38. Math doesn't work. Her death certificate (filled out by her daughter) shows her father as "Jno McGarland" for some reason. Is it possible that there was another child born in 1869 who died before the the 1880 census, and likely before May 1872? Had it been a daughter named Christian M (for Mary?) I could see perhaps the next child--born in May 1872--being named Mary Christian. Even at that she should have been listed as 8 in the 1880 census and not 9. Add to it that while her gravestone lists her birth year as 1872, the findagrave entry shows it as 25 December 1873. Mary Christian married Calvin Riley and had 5 children.
-Mary B Riley - Married Calvin Rider and had children (4?)
-Raphael Whatley Riley - Married Byrdie Purvis and Helen Marie Thompson. In Marie's obit a granddaughter is mentioned, Kathy Riley Bradshaw. However, no mention is made of a child of Marie's who would be Kathy's parent as her two listed children--sons-- are both named Ruby after their father, Marie's first husband. It is possible that Byrdie had a child (likely a son) who was Kathy's parent and Marie claimed her as her own granddaughter despite being a step.
-Curtis B Riley - Married Mary Ann Boulware. Did not find info on any children or Mary's parents
-Allen M Riley - Married Lucille Brown. 1940 census shows 2 children. Didn't find Lucille's parents.
-Knox Daniel Riley - Married Robbie Crawford, two sons, Dan and Calvin.
Follow up on this line

7) William Calvin McFarland - Census ages: June 1880 - 6 (Wm C), His grave marker shows he was married to Ruth McFarland, which someone has identified in FamilySearch and the Ancestry Family Tree as Ruth Jennings. FamilyTree shows her born 16 August 1894, died 5 December 1912. Have not found any other info on her. There is a 1900 census listing for a Ruth Jennings, daughter of "Robt L" and "Hallie" Jennings, age 5, born in August 1894. It appears that her mother remarried a Clayton Arendt by the 1910 census. although mom's name is shown as "Harry" and Ruth and her sister's (Annie in 1900, Jennie in 1910) last name is shown as "Jenning." Both are listed as step-daughters. Supporting this case is that both census listings for Ruth's father birthplace show "Virginia." There are enough records showing that Hallie did marry Clayton and she died in 1943, although her death certificate (info from Ann J. Martin, who is likely her daughter "Annie") shows Hallie's father (W.M. Andrews) is from Georgia, while Hallie lists him from Alabama on at least two censuses. It is possible that Ann guessed it wrong. There is a Ruth Cowart McFerran that shows up in the California death index also as Ruth Cowart Jennings as being born on 16 August 1894, which is the date that is in FamilyTree. (Died on 6 April 1983 in San Francisco.) This seems pretty thin, especially considering that there is a death date in 1912.(18 years old.) Is it possible that whomever entered the info into FamilySearch grabbed this info by mistake? Of course, it would help if there was a grave marker. There is a 1880 census record for a Hallie Andrews born about 1869 (Ruth's mother in 1900 census is listed as born in Nov 1868) whose father was born in Alabama. She is living with her mother Sarah who has remarried a guy named Richard Wood. She is listed with her two brothers William and James T.  I am returning to the original premise and wondering if Ruth Jennings was indeed married to William McFarland. He would have been 20 years older and had to marry her when she was 18 or younger. There is no documentation supporting this marriage. I also find it interesting what William's gravestone reads: William C, Beloved Husband of Ruth McFarland. It makes it seem like she is the focus and not him. Also, as he died on May 30, 1913, and she supposedly died 5 months earlier, who paid for the gravestone and chose the inscription? They couldn't have been married very long. Also, where is she buried if she really did die before him? While his death certificate doesn't indicate who provided the info, it does show him as "Married" and not "Widowed" as would be the case had Ruth died 5 months prior to him. The Ancestry McFarland Tree lists 5 December 1912 as their marriage date and not Ruth's death date and that makes more sense. Maybe whomever entered the info into FamilySearch goofed. Nothing pops up for a Ruth McFarland on a census that would relate to William, nor can I find him in the 1910 census. What if someone grabbed the Ruth Cowart Jennings info from her death index and saw that her father's name was Jennings and wishful thinking put her as William's wife? There really isn't any proof that a Ruth Jennings was married to William. I think I am going to leave this for now as there isn't enough concrete evidence to continue trying to figure it out. Return to in the future.

8) Kenneth Malcolm McFarland - Census ages:  June 1880 - 3  Married Caroline Zilpha Hooker and had a son, Kenneth Malcolm McFarland (and family). Caroline dies and he married Annie Ben Powell and they have a daughter Margaret McFarland (and family). Annie dies and later he marries Oma Rivers. I couldn't find much info on Oma.
4) Sarah McCaskill - Does not appear to be married. However, the history of the McCaskill in which she is #34 inclues this: " Daughter of Kenneth and Nancy #15. Born 1834 Kershaw Co., SC. Died 1910 Same. Married I. G. McCaskill, lineage unknown. She is buried in the Old Scotch Cemetary in Bethune, SC. She and her husband do not appear in any S.C. census."  Sarah herself does appear in the 1850, 1860, 1880, and 1900 censuses, with varying ages that loosely connect to an 1834 birth year. She shows as "Single". I believe the marriage info was in error as there is nothing to indicate she was married, including her gravestone which lists her as a daughter of K & N McCaskill and not a wife of anyone.
5) Christian McCaskill - Married Dr. James McLean McFarland, no children. There is a discrepancy about her birth year as findagrave lists it as 1826, but her tombstone and several censuses support a 1836 birth. Also note that Andrew McCaskill (who has very complete info on the McCaskill family and is the host of the family tree listed at the top of this document) does not include Christian as one of Kenneth and Nancy's children. In the 1900 census she is listed as "Single" even though she was actually widowed.
6) Catherine Margaret McCaskill - She also does not appear to have married.  In this case the McCaskill history lists her as "unmarried."
7) John Daniel McCaskill - Married Catherine Isabella Gillis Bethune. Had 4 children:

1) Kenneth Daniel McCaskill - His name is in question as in the 1880 census when he is 2 he is listed as "Dan'l Kenneth". In the 1900 census he is listed as "John D" just like his father, which looks to be a mistake.