Saturday, November 30, 2013

Bethune Ancestors Private Posts

I've created a second Bethune Ancestors blog called Bethune Ancestors Private Posts where posts that deal with religious and other personal matters will be housed. Access is limited to a list of approved viewers and I ask that any materials found on that site not be copied or distributed without permission.

These are the posts currently on Bethune Ancestors Private Posts:
1) Emma Jane Thomas Bethune Patriarchal Blessing
2) Mary Lucile Bethune Hucks Patriarchal Blessing
3) Daniel Malcolm Bethune Testimony - Liahona 1916
4) Daniel M. Bethune Story - Liahona 1941

Friday, November 29, 2013

Bethune, South Carolina

Images and information about Bethune, South Carolina.

From the Kershaw County Historical Society's website:

                                                                       Big Springs

Main Street 1907

From the Kershaw County Chamber of Commerce website:
Europeans came to the Bethune area in the early 1800s, and at that time the Kadapaw Indians inhabited the area.  Bethune was originally known as Lynchwood when a post office was established there in 1828. 
When the railroad came to this area, it crossed property belonging to Daniel Murdock Bethune.  When the charter for the town was issued in 1900, the town's name was changed from Lynchwood to Bethune in honor of Daniel M. Bethune.  Mr. Bethune was one of the pioneer men of the Bethune area, which was predominately of Scottish decent.  Today you can find a Scottish burial ground between Bethune and Cassatt.  Scottish Cemetery, located on US Highway 1 South outside Bethune, has been the final resting place for local citizens since the late 1700s.  The history of surrounding communities is reflected in the names etched on the faces of the soapstone headstones. 

On high ground surrounded by the waters of Lynches River and Little Lynches River, Bethune is a quiet town where turn-of-the-century Southern charm reigns supreme.  Train tracks run beside Bethune Town Hall as a reminder of the rail's importance to this stop on the Seaboard Railroad.  Residents are carefully restoring historic homes to preserve the town's Mayberry-like character.  The bridge on Highway 1, north of Bethune, is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the only bridge spanning the same river three times.

Bethune was awarded the Governor's Rural Economic Achievement Trophy, and thus became the smallest of participating cities and towns in South Carolina to qualify as a "GREAT" town. "The People of Bethune" is more than just a phrase. It is four words that describe the dedication and drive of a community on the move.  Bethune is everybody's idea of a small town.  A wide main street, good schools, a good library, excellent medical facilities, beautiful homes and friendly people are found in Bethune.

From healing springs, to pottery, to agriculture, this Kershaw County town is proud of its heritage.  

Thursday, November 28, 2013

1938 Bethune Reunion

Mrs. E.Z. Truesdale
Mrs. J.W. Bethune, 1331 Calhoun, Columbia, S.C.
Mrs. D. T. Yarbrough
D.T. Yarbrough
Mrs. A Fletcher __________ ( Elsie Tiller, granddaughter of Eliza McLaurin and Ervin Tiller)
C.S. Floyd
R.E. McCaskill
T.R. Morse
M. G. King
A.B. McNaull      Columbia, S.C.
Neil E. Truesdell
Mrs. C D Terry (Esther) McCaskill    Gritman, Ga.
Mrs. J.A. McCaskill (Sallie Bethune) Bethune, S.C.
Mark King    Neeses S.C.
Mrs. Mark King (Ola Bethune) Neeses S.C.
Robert King  Neeses S.C.
Mark King Jr.  Neeses S.C.
Mr. & Mrs. D.M. Mays
Mrs. L.A. McDowell    Tampa Fla.
Caroline McDowell       Tampa Fla.
Mrs. C.S. Floyd
John Bethune
Frances Bethune
Mary        "
Jean          "
Johnsie      "
Carolyn     "
Mrs. Frank R. Morse
Carrie Yarbrough
Stella Bethune
Mrs. R.E. Bethune (Julia McCheney)
Mrs. M.G. King (Mac McCaskill)
Mrs. Margaret Marion (Margaret Yarbrough)
Robbie Newton Yarbrough
Mary McNaull Brown (Mrs. E.G.)
Mrs. A M McNaull (Kate Bethune)
Florrie Bethune King       Hartsville, S.C.
Mrs. Neil Truesdell
Mrs. Howard Hucks (Mary Bethune) Fayetteville, N.C.
Margaret Jane Fagan   Hartsville, S.C.
Mrs. B.L. Cobb (Louise Bethune)  Hartsville, S.C.
Mr. & Mrs. D. M. Bethune    McBee  S.C.
Mary Norwood                     McBee  S.C.
Beth Norwood                          "          "
Mary Ellen McLaurin             Bethune, S.C.
Cecilia L. King                      Bethune, S.C.
Rob Bethune                         Cheraw   S.C.
Sue Anderson Bethune             "             "
Susanne Bethune                      "            "
Bobby Bethune                        "            "
J.V. Fagan                               Hartsville, S.C.
Malcolm B. Fagan                         "           "
Margaret Jane "                              "          "
Mrs. A. B. McLaurin                Bethune, S.C.
Mary Allen McLaurin                    "           "
John Paul McLaurin                       "          "
M.G. King Jr.                         Spartanburg, S.C.
Mrs. M.G. King Jr.                        "              "
Gene McNaull                        Columbia, S.C.
Fletcher Spigman     (great grandson of Eliza McLaurin and Ervin Tiller)
Bessie Bethune Cagle & Sons    Hamlet, N.C.
(Hugh Bethune & Jackie Cagle)
Janie Kate Bethune Grant
Richard C. Grant Jr.

1937 Bethune Reunion

Aug. 12, 1937
Mr. & Mrs. T. R. M. Bethune
     Susanne Bethune
     Bobby Bethune
Mr. & Mrs. T. R. Bethune
     Tom Bethune Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Crowell Bethune   Bethune, S.C.
     Betsy Ann Bethune              Bethune, S.C.
Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Bethune          Gastonia, N.C.
     Ernest E. Bethune                      "           "
     James Bethune                          "           "
     J. A. Bethune                        Lancaster, S.C.
Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Johnston          Trenton, Tenn
     Elizabeth Johnston                     "           "
     Mary Jan Johnston                    "           "
Mrs. D.T. Yarbrough                Bethune, S.C.
     Carrie Yarbrough                      "          "
     Robbie Newton Marion             "          "
Mrs. Sallie Robertson                Bethune, S.C. - Visitor
Mrs. Sallie C. McCaskill
     Christine McCaskill              Hartsville, S.C.
Mrs. M.G. King                        Bethune, S.C.
Mrs. C. O. Terry                      Gritman, Ga.
Mrs. L.S. King                         Hartsville, S.C.
     Kathryn McCaskill Terry     Gritman, Ga.
Mr. & Mrs. J.P. Bethune          Bethune, S.C.
     Frances Bethune                        
     Mary Bethune
     Jean      "
     Johnsie  "
     Carolyn "
Rose McLeod                         Bethune, S.C.  - Visitor
Doris Lane                                    "          "           "
Rev. Morse                                   "          "           "
Mr. & Mrs. J. N. Cagle           Hamlet, N.C.
     Hugh & Jack Cagle
Mrs. Kate Bethune McNaull
     Mary McNaull Brown
     Allen Eugene McNaull
     A. B. McNaull
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Truesdale      Hartsville, S.C.
     Sarah Isabelle Truesdale
     Althea Lee Truesdale
Mr. & Mrs. R. E. McCaskill   Bethune, S.C.
     Betty Gray McCaskill             "          "
Mr. & Mrs. M.G. Crossley (Faye Bethune)
     "June" Truesdale                 Bethune, S.C.
Mr. & Mrs. J.V. Fagan (Malcolm Bethune)
     Margaret Jane Fagan
     Richard Fagan
Mrs. R.C. Grant (Janie Kate Bethune)
     Richard C. Grant
Mrs. Mary Thomas - Visitor
Mr. & Mrs. D.M. Bethune
Mr. & Mrs. Orrin Parris (Annie Mae Bethune)
Dr. A.C. Bethune & Ron        Raeford, N.C.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

1936 Bethune Reunion


The second reunion of the Bethune Clan was held Thursday, Aug.6, 1936 with about 90 members and visitors present. The meeting was called to order by the president, D.M. Bethune. Prayer was offered by the Rev. J.T. Keels, pastor of the Bethune Presbyterian Church. After a most interesting talk by the president a history of the Bethune family was read by Neil Truesdale, historian. After the business session a delightful picnic lunch was served.
          Mrs. R.C. Grant, Sec.

Aug. 6, 1936
Mr. + Mrs. T.R.Bethune, Hartsville, S.C.
     Tom Bethune, Jr.
Mr. + Mrs. R.M. Bethune, Cheraw S.C.
     Susanne Bethune
     Bobby Bethune Jr.
Mr. + Mrs. B.L. Cobb (Louise Bethune)
Mr. + Mrs. Crowell Bethune  Cheraw S.C.
     Betsy Ann Bethune               "
Mr. + Mrs. J.P. Bethune   Bethune S.C.
     Frances Bethune
     Mary Bethune
     Jean Bethune
     Johnsie Bethune
     Carolyn Bethune
Mrs. Margaret E. Lee  Monroe N.C. Route 1
Mr. + Mrs. D.M. Bethune
Mrs. Margaret Marion, Bethune
Mrs. L.S. King, Hartsville
Mr. + Mrs. D, T, Yarbrough, Bethune
     Carrie Yarbrough, Bethune
     Robbie Newton _______, Bethune
Mrs. L.J. McDonald, Hartsville, SC
     Neil McDonald
     Isabel McDonald
     Harry McDonald
Christian McCaskill, Hartsville, SC
Mrs. Ola B. King, Neeses
     Mark King Jr  Neeses
     Mark King  Neeses
     Robert B. King, Neeses
Mrs. B.L. Norwood  McBee S.C.
     Beth Norwood        "          "
(Mrs. E.Z.) Kate B. Truesdale  Bethune S.C.
     Margaret                 "               "          "
Mrs. Ernest Barrett    Monroe  N.C.
     Julia Barrett
     Mary Barrett
     Eva Lee Barrett
Mr. + Mrs. Lonnie Baker
Mrs. Eva Morgaon
     Vann Morgan
     Forbis Morgan
Mr. + Mrs. M. G. King
     Billy King
Mr. + Mrs. A. L. Bethune
Mr. + Mrs. J. N. Cagle (Bessie Bethune)
     Hugh Cagle + Jack Cagle
Mrs. J. V. Fagan (Malcolm Bethune)
     Margaret Jane + Richard Fagan
Stella Bethune
E.Z. Truesdale Jr.
Mr. + Mrs. N.E. Truesdale
     Sara Isabelle + Althea Lee Truesdale
Emma Keels        Visitor
J T N Keels         Visitor
Morrison Graham   Visitor
Miss Mary Thomas  Visitor
Mr. + Mrs. J.A. Bethune
Mr. + Mrs. Howard Hucks (Mary Bethune)
     Patricia Hucks
Dorothy Hucks   Visitor
Annabelle Cobb    Visitor
Mrs. J.A. Stone  (Visitor) McBee, SC
Steve Lee, Norfolk Naval Hospital Portsmouth Va.
Mrs. R.C. Grant
     Richard C. Grant, Jr.
M. C. McCaskill  Visitor
Ernest Bearde    Visitor
William Bullock  Visitor


1935 Bethune Reunion

On Thursday afternoon August 1, 1935 the Bethune clan met for the first time at Big Springs, near Bethune, S.C. A delightful picnic lunch was served late in the afternoon. After lunch a business session was held, and the following officers were elected:

Pres. --D. M. Bethune, McBee, S.C.
V.Pres.--J. A. Bethune, Lancaster, S.C.
Sec.--Mrs. R.C. Grant, McBee, S.C.
Treas.--Stella Bethune, Bethune, S.C.
Historian--Neil Truesdale, Bethune, S.C.
     "       --Carrie Yarbrough, "         "

It was decided to meet each year on the first Thursday in August at Big Springs and have an all day picnic.
                                         Mrs. R.C. Grant, Sec.

Aug.1, 1935
Mrs. J.B. Johnston (Kate Yarbrough) Trenton, Tenn.
     Elizabeth Johnston                              "          "
     Mary Lou Johnston                            "          "
Mr. + Mrs. A. T. Bethune, Gastonia, N.C.
Mr. + Mrs. Orrin Ray Parris, Gaffney, S.C.
     Eva Anne Parris,                   "          "
Margaret Yarbrough, Hartsville, S.C.
Neil McDonald,              "            "
Mr. + Mrs. John A McCaskill, Bethune, S.C.
Mr. + Mrs. Neil Truesdale, Bethune, S.C.
Mr. + Mrs. B.L. Cobb, Hartsville, S.C.
Mr. + Mrs. L.J. McDonald,  "         "
     Franci McDonald             "         "
     Isabel McDonald             "         "
     Harry McDonald             "         "
Mr. + Mrs. J.V. Fagan, Hartsville, S.C.
     Margaret Jane Fagan,    "           "
     Richard Fagan,              "           "
Mabel Lee, Monroe, N.C.
Kathryne Truesdale, Bethune, S.C.
Mrs. Margaret E. Lee, Monroe, N.C.
     Watt Lee                   "           "
Mr. + Mrs. L.M. Yarbrough, Hartsville, S.C.
     Miriam Yarbrough                   "          "
     Betty Yarbrough                      "          "
Mr. + Mrs. Crowell Bethune, Pageland, S.C.
     Betty Ann Bethune                  "           "
Mr. + Mrs. Jake Bethune, Gastonia, S.C.
Mrs. E.Z. Truesdale, Bethune, S.C.
Mr. + Mrs. D.M. Bethune, McBee, S.C.
Mr. + Mrs. D.T.Yarbrough, Bethune, S.C.
     Carrie Yarbrough,               "          "
Mrs. Margaret Marion,             "          "
     Robbie Newton "                "          "
Mr. + Mrs. T.R. Bethune, Darlington, S.C.
Mrs. L.S. King, Hartsville, S.C.
Stella Bethune, Bethune, S.C.
J.P. Bethune + family (5), Bethune, S.C.
Mr. + Mrs. Howard Hucks, Florence, S.C.
     Patricia Hucks, Florence, S.C.
Mrs. Kate McNaull, Columbia, S.C.
Mr. + Mrs. Eugene Brown,  "     "
D.M. McNaull,                    "     "
Eugene McNaull,                 "     "
Mr. + Mrs. John N. Cagle, Hartsville, S.C.
     Hugh Cagle,                       "            "
     Jack Cagle,                        "            "
Mrs. R.C. Grant, McBee, S.C.                   (70)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Neil Bethune Descendants Facebook Group

I've started a Facebook Group called Neil Bethune Descendants so that we can have a central online place to meet distant relatives. No ads, no weather reports, no religious or political statements...merely a place to put a face to a name of someone who shares some of the same DNA you do.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Daniel Malcolm Bethune Direct Bethune Ancestors

Daniel Malcolm Bethune was born December 19, 1868 in Bethune, South Carolina, son of Daniel Murdock Bethune and Esther Catherine McCaskill.  He married Emma Jane Thomas on ________ and they had six daughters. Daniel Malcolm Bethune died on June 20, 1940, age 71.

Daniel Murdock Bethune was born February 20, 1845 in Bethune, South Carolina, son of Daniel Bethune and Christian McCaskill. He married Esther Catherine McCaskill on ________ and they had six children:
.......Daniel Malcolm Bethune
.......Sally Christian Bethune
.......Mary Bethune
.......Margaret Elizabeth Bethune
.......Allen Thomas Bethune
.......Esther Catherine Bethune
After Esther Catherine's death related to giving birth to their last daughter (and who was named after her but went by "Kate") Daniel Murdock married Mary Elizabeth Bradley on ______ and they had three children:
.......Alexander Bethune
.......Robert Murdock Bethune
.......John Paschal Bethune
Daniel Murdock Bethune died on October 12, 1915, age 70.

Daniel Bethune as born on December 19, 1799 in Montgomery County, North Carolina, son of Neil Bethune and _______. He married Christian McCaskill on February 18, 1841 and they had five children:
.......Daniel Murdock Bethune
.......Neil Alexander Bethune
.......Thomas Reese English Bethune
.......Isabelle Bethune
.......Mary Ann Bethune
Daniel Bethune died on February 15, 1883, age 83.

I don't have much information about Neil Bethune. From one document (author and source unknown) we read "NEIL BETHUNE, the first Bethune who came to America of this particular branch or family, came from the Highlands of Scotland in 1797. He was a widower and brought two of the children with him and was to return to Scotland for the others, but never did. He married a Miss Nicalson, settling on Drowning Creek - now Montgomery County -near Clark's Mill, in North Carolina. Neil Bethune was a nephew of John Bethune who settled on the East side of Drowning Creek." Neil Bethune had three children born in North Carolina:
.......Margaret Bethune
.......Daniel Bethune
.......Katie Bethune

Daniel Malcolm Bethune and Emma Jane Thomas - A Focal Point

The focal point for this blog is the descendants and direct ancestors of Daniel Malcolm Bethune and his wife Emma Jane Thomas, "Papa" and "Mama" respectively. On each side of the point there are real people who led and lead real lives. On the descendant side we have more readily available information and we can start with Mama and Papa's six daughters:

Janie Kate Bethune
Margaret Elizabeth Bethune
Emma Malcolm Bethune
Sally Louise Bethune
Mary Lucile Bethune
Thornwell Faye Bethune

However, as the purpose of this blog is primarily "ancestors" we'll leave the compilation of a list of these six sisters' descendants to another publication, one with restricted access. My grandmother Mary Lucile Bethune Hucks is the exception as she is my direct ancestor and I feel a greater responsibility to present some of her life story. I leave it to others to cover the life histories of her sisters, their spouses and descendants.

In a similar vein, much could be detailed about ancestors' siblings and their spouses and descendants, and while they might be mentioned in passing, it is beyond the scope of this blog to cover them in detail. Merely moving back through generations of direct ancestors is a large task as it is, remembering that for each generation back doubles the number of direct ancestors. It is not my intent to cover only those direct ancestors with the Bethune surname.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Mary Lucile Bethune Hucks Vital Records

Mary's (and Patricia) Letter to Emma Jane Thomas Bethune


Dear mama

We were so sorry to know you Had the flu. Hope You and Papa are well now. I Had the flu too. I Have been out of school a week.

Well we wrote for one hour + she was so tired we had to quit. But she didn't want me to finish it + she never did get time. I really am ashamed of myself + its not ____(that?) I haven't thought of you all lot but she was sick + Howard went to Atlanta last Sunday + stayed until Tues night. And of course she hasn't been to school yet - But we did go to Bessie's today. Howard has some work to do so wouldn't go but the children + I went + stayed a few hours. Hugh is still in bed but he looks so well. Bessie was telling me Phil has been sick  I do hope he is all right now.

Please someone write + let us know - + if Faye has gone back. How is Papa? I can't remember hearing of so much sickness. There are so many children out of school. So far Howdy hasn't gotten anything but a cold + cough. Bessie said Carolyn hasn't been out either. Tell them all we are so sorry they have all been sick + do hope they are better now - Can't say when we will be home. soon as possible ___(tho?)  Love to all  Mary

(Note: This was likely written in January 1938.)

Daniel Malcolm Bethune Obituary

Hartsville, June 20—Funeral services for Daniel Malcolm Bethune, 71, will be held at 5 o’clock Friday afternoon at his home in the Clyde community, Interment will follow in the Scotch cemetery at Bethune.
Mr. Bethune, son of the late Daniel Murdock Bethune and Esther Catherine McCaskill Bethune, was born and reared in Bethune, moving to Clyde about 40 years ago. In 1919 they moved to Hartsville, where his family lived for 11 years. He was engaged in farming.
Surviving are his widow, who was Miss Emma Jane Thomas; six daughters, Mrs. R. C. Grant of Clyde, Mrs. J. C. Fagan and Mrs. B. Lfl Cobb, both of Hartsville, Mrs. J. N. Cagle of Hamlet, N. C., Mrs. H. H. Hucks of Fayetteville, N. C., and Mrs. M. G. Crossley of Monroe, Ga.; three sisters, Mrs. Maggie Lee of Monroe, N. C., Mrs. Kate McNaull of Columbia and Mrs. D. T. Yarbrough of Bethune; three brothers, R. M. Bethune of Cheraw, J. P. Bethune and A. T. Bethune of Gastonia, N. C., and nine grandchildren.
Rites will be conducted by Loyal T. Hansen of Preston, Idaho, elder of the Church of Jesus Christ, of which he was a member.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Patricia's Memories of Her Mother, Mary Lucile Bethune Hucks

May 9, 1982 Several weeks ago, while lying in the hospital, I was impressed to make a few notes about my mother. With Mother’s Day near, my mind again returned to some of my feelings and thoughts of the past.

Some of the things I remember about Mary Bethune Hucks, my mother:

Early spring was flower planting time in the Carolinas, and months before mother would carefully arrange her closets so she could fit the many pots of bulbs, iris, daffodil, tulip, lily and hyacinth. Over the years she continued this practice and by early spring we had bunches of flowers around our home. Perhaps that’s where I first came to love living plants and flowers.

My Grandmother Bethune, referred to as Emma, Mama or Granny, must have been a very fancy lady indeed. She passed along to her six daughters a desire to fuss up, be fancy, and keep clean, and to surround themselves with beautiful flowers. As a child I remember taking part each year in an event that started many years before my birth called “spring cleaning.” This ritual began each year around April or May .

It has never been my thing to clean, clean, clean, but not because I didn’t know how it was done. First mother would have us take the curtains down. This was just the beginning. Curtains were then washed by hand, starched, and stretched on a six-foot square frame, which was covered all the way around with small nails for stretching the fabric. This gadget, holding five or six curtains, was then placed outside in the sun to dry. Mother seemed to truly enjoy this part. I don’t remember any threatening words to us children....we just did it like it might be fun. With this under way, mother would really go into high gear. Because the furnaces of the day burned coal or oil the walls inside the house were covered with a fine layer of soot. Although daddy was a builder and painter, it cost too much to paint each room so we scrubbed the walls. Now, Spic ‘n Span and such items were not on the scene so we used a substance of the consistency of playdough. Rolling this into a ball, then gripping it into our fists, up the wall we went and down all the way around the room. This bit of insanity took about two weeks and some threats were made before it was finished. However, mother went around singing and happy. You see, she never wanted to be anything except a housewife. In between moving the family to Salt Lake City and finding a job, she continued the ritual of cleaning. New shelf paper in the cupboards and chests of drawers, winter clothing hung out to air, then packed away in large trunks, summer clothing unpacked and hung out to air, rugs taken out to be washed or sunned, sofa cushions also had to have an airing and in some cases the whole sofa and a chair or two got a new look with a slipcovering. You know, new fabric slipped over the old. Lest anyone think I have lost interest in this adventure, let me add that this turned out to be fun compared to the business with the floors. First the hardwood floors were stripped of old wax. I would have stopped there, and new wax was applied. Then we polished and polished and polished. Mother loved her shiny floors. We loved sliding the dog up and down the slick shiny hallway. The dog loved getting away from all this shiny nonsense. Daddy loved it when it was all over. This mostly took place in Fayetteville. But we had hardwood floors in Salt Lake City also. Now the windows inside and out. With the last coat of furniture polish and silver polish, we wrapped this scene and looked forward to summer. I remember, when we were young mother made sure we had a week or two at Granny’s or one of our aunt’s homes and we always had several weeks at the beach. I recall that my childhood was a sweet blend of aunts, uncles, cousins, family, swimming, lost loves, growing pains and wonderful times, knowing, of course, that mother was the center of my world. She taught me to set a proper table, to enjoy fine china and crystal and an eye for good furniture. She also taught me to endure to the end, about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that a testimony was my own responsibility. In the middle of this learning experience we had dozens of picnics and slumber parties with more friends than the house could really hold and if that weren’t enough, she put up with my wonderful dramatics, both on the stage and off and that in itself took a bit of supermothering.

As a young lady, mother liked lace collars and frilly thins Growing up, I preferred straighter lines with less frills, so she went along with that, never overshadowing my creativity. I think how I must have made her crazy, changing clothes four and five times a day and my zany carryings on, because at heart, she was somewhat shy and insecure and though she loved the spotlight, she wanted it for the right reasons, not because of some dumb thing I had done.

During the Second World War mother rented our somewhat formal dining room to a young couple in need of lodging. In North Carolina the Army was everywhere, even in our house. So the dining room table became part of the living room and French doors were placed between the two rooms. Then under the chandelier was a bed, instead of the table. My room was also rented out and I moved in with Howdy and Danny. Nine of us shared the bathroom. It never occurred to me that this was unusual. That could be because I took all the time I needed while I was in there. I’ll never know how mother made it work but she did.

By August we were looking forward to one last fling to the beach or to Hartsville. Several summers mother had bathing suits made for she and I. We picked out the fabric and style and wore twin suits. I am sure we thought ourselves to be very fetching to the eye. Such class could not go unnoticed.

Saturdays always meant a movie. Somehow she had money for me to go and be with friends so that I never felt that we were truly scrimping. Once in awhile I had to take Howdy with me, he was so cute and shy. My girlfriends filled him with junk food, they adored the way he would hide and say, “Thank you, ma’am.” And some years later, we took Danny along when we went to play. Danny was real blond and round and cute. I can’t believe how quiet and shy they both were. My, how times change. And always when we arrived home mother would have hot homemade bread, homemade jam and other goodies for us. Coming home was always fun.

Other things you might not know. She cried with us when our cats and dogs died. She also cleaned up after them and fed them. I was always dragging home stray things and people, and she was real good about the inconvenience it caused. We had lots of inconveniences in those days, a summer never went by that I didn’t get poison oak or poison ivy or poison sumac or some other kind of skin poison. Mother was wonderful about spending hours rubbing alcohol all over me. When I tell you she spent hours it’s true. I had so much of that stuff that for years I have been immune to any poisons, oak or ivy or whatever.

Because of the work hours she was forced into taking mother could not go to many functions for school but she saw that I had part in plays and in other activities. Over the years she must have ridden about a million miles on a bus to and from work, to and from the market, to and from the doctor, to and from shopping and to and from wherever she went. I only remember seeing her drive a car once or twice many years ago, and after we moved to Salt Lake we didn’t have a car until Howd was old enough to drive. I marvel at her energy. After a full day’s work she still had the washing and ironing to do. And to you who have forgotten or never knew, washing meant three tubs of water for rinsing and a hand-wringer washing machine and lots of endurance.

Well she taught me good things and she taught me charm, because she has both. At times now she has quite a sense of humor, still a bit feisty and only slightly removed from the “heroine” of Gone With the Wind. Granny would be proud, very proud of her six “Southern belles.” Each a mother and homemaker, each respecting her Lord and God. Each with a knowledge of her own worth. Each having walked in her mother’s footsteps. Each with a love for her mother. And I, like them, share these feelings. A legacy given to me by my mother and hopefully honored and passed on to my children.

So I think of my mother these few days before Mother’s Day and my thoughts are of love for her. Of honor for the fight she has fought and won. Of the many successes she has had, oh, not the kind that make front-page history…just the kind that will make Heavenly Mother pleased with her, the kind that will make Heavenly Father grant her the highest glory. We know we are all given the promise of becoming gods and goddesses and surely she is a true heir to this promise.

So this, then, is my gift to a great lady.

When we come to an understanding of who we are, then can we love ourselves and truly love the Lord. And then we can love others. Not just love them, but love them unconditionally, the way the Father loves us. The way we are, just the way we are, just children trying to do better, trying to stay with the plan, trying to be fair, trying to be kind, and trying to be more Christ-like.

Thank you, mother……. have a lovely day........forever.